Human Rights Policy
Human Rights Policy
We at Nagase Viita have established the Nagase Viita Human Rights Policy, aligned with the NAGASE Group Basic Human Rights Policy, to deepen the understanding of all directors and employees (including contract, commissioned, and part-time employees, hereinafter collectively referred to as “directors and employees”) regarding various human rights and to fulfill our responsibility to respect them.
In the past, many companies have repeatedly engaged in actions that may be perceived as disregarding the dignity of their employees and various other stakeholders, including business partners. Learning from these experiences, we are committed to respecting the human rights of everyone involved in our business activities, establishing this commitment as the basic principle of our operations to remain a sustainable organization valued by society. This policy serves as the higher law for Nagase Viita's individual rules on respecting human rights, including our Sustainable Procurement Policy and Supplier Guidelines.
Basic Approach
We at Nagase Viita adhere to and respect international human rights standards, including the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the United Nations Global Compact. In addition, we will comply with the laws and regulations applicable in the countries and regions where our business activities are conducted, based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In cases where the laws of a country or region conflict with international human rights principles, we will seek ways to respect international human rights principles.
Scope of this policy
This policy applies to all directors and employees of Nagase Viita.
Expectations for Our Business Partners
We expect all of our business partners, including our suppliers, to understand and support this policy, and we will encourage and collaborate with those partners, and promote initiatives in order to respect the human rights of each individual involved in our business activities.
Avoidance of every type of Discrimination
We prohibit any types of discrimination and inhumane treatment, and we will guarantee fair wages and protect a proper working environment.
Our Key Human Rights Issues
We have identified the key issues related to human rights to be observed as attached in Appendix, and will implement appropriate measures to address them. We will review of these key issues as needed, considering factors such as changes in the social environment and business trends.
Human Rights Due Diligence
Based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we have implemented a human rights due diligence framework to identify, prevent, and mitigate any potential negative impacts our business activities may have on human rights.
Correction and Remedies
We strive to identify and prevent potential negative impacts on human rights at an early stage through the operation of complaint hotline and the implementation of risk assessments. If it is found that our business activities have caused or contributed to negative impacts on human rights, we will work to correct and remedy the situation as soon as possible through dialogue with affected stakeholders.
Information Disclosure
We disclose our efforts to respect human rights based on this policy in a transparent manner through means such as our website and Sustainability Communication Book.
We continuously provide appropriate training to all directors and employees of Nagase Viita to ensure the integration and effective implementation of this policy into our business activities.
Promotion System
The Head of the Sustainability Management Division has been designated as responsible for implementing this policy. We will establish and maintain an effective promotion system, receiving guidance from both internal and external human rights experts, and continuously working to improve our measures as necessary.
Established: November 1, 2024
Naoki Yasuba
Representative Director
Nagase Viita Co., Ltd.
*This policy was approved by the Board of Directors, and signed by the Representative Director, based on advice from impartial, independent external experts specializing in business and human rights.
[Appendix] Nagase Viita Key Human Rights Issues
See the key issues and promotion system related to human rights at Nagase Viita here.