Supply Chain Eco-Impact Reduction
We endeavor to shape a sustainable future, collaborating closely with our stakeholders.

We have committed to being an eco-friendly company through two policies - reducing the environmental impact of our business activities, and developing products and technologies that help solve environmental issues. We show our results through environmental performance data and work to improve them.

Procurement of Raw Materials and Resources
Effective Use of Resources
We make effective use of limited resources and reduce our environmental footprint through waste. We are using raw materials made from agricultural products, like fallen fruit, that are considered waste and cannot be marketed to produce food and personal care ingredients. This effectively supports the livelihood of stakeholders involved in the supply chain.

Product Manufacturing
Optimization of Manufacturing Processes
We have installed solar panels in the new office building to generate our own power. We have also switched to LEDs to conserve energy and reduce CO2 emissions, optimized the chilled water and cooling water equipment, installed cooling water system inverter pumps, improved boiler efficiency, installed energy-saving equipment, reduced wasteful steam use, and re-insulated and examined heating systems.

Product Order and Delivery
Consolidation and Digitization of Order Receipt Operations
Order-taking operations have been centralized at the head office, where faxes were turned into images, and delivery slips and invoices were digitized. This resulted in a reduction of 105,000 A4 sheets over the past year. CO2 emissions were further reduced through less use of postal mail by 16,000 in 2021 compared to the previous year.
Improved Logistics Efficiency
We have reviewed our transport process, consolidated frequent, small orders and maximized the use of eco-friendly JR (Japan Railways) container services. Also, by optimizing shipping points and utilizing joint delivery/consolidation charter services, we have reduced the volume of route shipments by around 10% since 2020. Further quality improvements have reduced the number of product breakages, leading to a 40% reduction in waste and loss over the past three years.
Our Efforts
Explore the sustainable practices we adopt every day within our organization.