Employee Health
Basic Approach to Employee Health
We strive to create a safe and healthy work environment where all employees can be satisfied and engaged in their work. An important responsibility for any company should be to create an environment where employees with a diverse background can work in a healthy and rewarding way, maximize their individual abilities, and grow while working hard together with respect for all. This also is the starting point for growth.
Health and Productivity Management Policy
Declaration of Well-Being
Nagase Viita considers the health of all employees to be an invaluable asset and an essential foundation of management at our Company.
And in order to deliver products that contribute to people's well-being, it is essential that employees are able to feel vigor and enthusiasm in their work. For this purpose, the Company and its employees will strive to improve health literacy* in their respective roles, not only to maintain their current state of health, but also to envision and approach their future state of mental and physical wellbeing and prosperity.
The Company, employees, and their families will cooperate to promote good health, and the entire organization will work together to take action to maintain, improve, and enhance engagement.
Action Plan Guidelines
- We comply with laws, company regulations, and workplace rules related to occupational health and safety.
- We continue to conduct educational and awareness activities to improve health literacy.
- We strengthen measures against cancer and chronic lifestyle-related diseases, and implement measures to identify and resolve health issues.
- We support initiatives to increase opportunities for employees to exercise to maintain their health and fitness.
- We strengthen our mental health support measures to ensure the mental health of our employees.
- We support employees who are ill so that they can balance work and medical treatment.
- We promote work style reforms to maintain physical and mental health.
*health literacy: The ability to absorb, understand, and use correct information about health and medical care
Health and Productivity Management Promotion System
We established a Health and Productivity Management Promotion Committee with the president as the chief executive officer for health and productivity management promotion. we will implement measures in collaboration with the Health Promotion Section, other related departments, and external parties, and widely disseminate the promotion of health and productivity management both internally and externally.

Journey to Well-Being
Nagase Viita's Declaration of Well-Being embodies a commitment to overall well-being, encompassing not just physical health but also mental and social fulfillment. Our Health and Productivity Management Strategy Map is a roadmap that guides individuals on their Journey to Well-Being.
The Health and Productivity Management Strategy Map serves as a crucial link between health management and productivity management concerns. Through its utilization to monitor metrics, gather indicator data, and execute the PDCA cycle for continual enhancement and evaluation of measures, we can address challenges and progress towards the ultimate objective of well-being.

Measures and Specific Initiatives for Health and Productivity Management
Health Care and Support
- Implement health checkups (regular health checkups, lifestyle-related disease checkups, age-specific health checkups, health checkups for overseas travelers, designated health checkups, various cancer screenings, health checkups for specified business operators, special health checkups)
- Maintain 100% rate for regular health checkups
- Strengthen the management system by introducing a health checkup results management system
- Improve the rate of re-examination and implementation of specific health guidance for health checkup results
- Support for balancing treatment with work
- Support for promoting and maintaining women’s health
- Distribution and arrangement of home use medicines
- Family health checkups
- Best doctor service
- Improving health literacy through health apps
- Stop smoking support program
- Mail-in cancer screening
- Dental checkups
- Providing influenza vaccinations
- Medical checkups and vaccination subsidies for family members
- Take measures to prevent heat stroke
Mental Health Measures
- Establishment of Guidelines for Mental Health
- Implementation of stress checks and group analysis to improve the work environment
- Conduct mental health training
- Interviews with industrial physicians for persons with mental health issues
- Mental and physical health consultations by industrial nurses
- Conduct health consultations for women
- Conduct harassment training
Health Promotion
- Support for club activities
- Maintenance of athletic facilities
- Implementation of the Health Challenge, a company-wide health initiative
- Implementation of Health Challenge Plus
- Live streaming of health calisthenics videos
- Offer healthy menus in the cafeteria designed by the Health Promotion Section
- Participate in a national project, Corporate Action to Promote Cancer Control, which aims to increase the cancer screening rate, and provide information on cancer control measures
- Recommend walking events using health apps
- Implement physical fitness testing for older employees, and distribution of improvement program
- Implement AED training course
- Establishment of non-smoking day
Work Style Support
- Support for employees returning to work from personal leave or administrative leave
- Follow-up on and improve environment for high-stress individuals
- Establish a harassment consultation service
- Support to balance work and childbirth/childcare, and establish a consultation service
- Establish Nagase Viita Guidelines for Supporting a Balance between Medical Treatment and Work Life
- Support balancing medical treatment and work life and establish a consultation service
- Refreshment Leave System
- Flexible holiday system
- Flextime System
- Remote work
- Paid vacation in increments of hours
- Pre-/post-natal leave
- Childcare leave and postnatal paternity leave
- Shorter working hours for childcare
- Nursing care leave
- Nursing care work absence
- Setting a day for no overtime
- Anniversary leave system
- Self-development incentive program
- Qualification acquisition support system
- Second career support system
- All-staff projects to improve engagement

External Assessment
●Certified in the Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Program 2024 (Large Corporation Category)
Nagase Viita considers the health management of employees and others from a managerial perspective, and practices health and productivity management that strategically implements initiatives to maintain and promote good health. In recognition of our efforts, the company has been recognized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Health Council as a "Company as an Outstanding Organization in Health & Productivity Management (Large Corporation Category)" since 2022.

● Certified by the Japan Sports Agency as a 2024 Sports Yell Company
● Okayama City Award for Businesses Promoting the Formation of a Gender-Equal Society