Environmental Management
Our Policy for Environmental Management
To achieve the safe, secure, and sustainable society in which people can live comfortably that the NAGASE Group aims for, we believe that a sustainable global environment is a key factor. Most of the raw materials used in our products are produced by nature, and therefore it is important that we take the initiative in addressing environmental issues in order to make our business sustainable.
In January 2022, the NAGASE Group announced its policy to achieve carbon neutrality. Nagase Viita will continue to take action toward our concrete goals for 2030 and contribute to achieving a sustainable society through our efforts to reduce our environmental impact, including by reducing our CO2 emissions.
Environmental Policy
Basic Philosophy
We aim for sustainable development by engaging all employees to promote the harmonious co-existence of society with nature. We believe that protecting the environment, on a local and global scale, is one of the Company’s highest-priority responsibilities that can make a positive contribution to the economy and society as a whole.
Action Plan Guidelines
- We have established and continuously improve an environmental management system in order to reduce the environmental burden of our operations.
- We observe all environmental laws, regulations, and agreements and establish voluntary standards and operating procedures, and work to improve environmental management.
- To protect the global environment, we strive to develop technologies that take into account the effective use of raw materials, energy conservation, and waste reduction at the product design stage.
- We endeavor to improve the efficient use of valuable water resources and reduce environmental impacts.
- We pursue greater energy efficiency in our business activities and promote the use of sustainable energy. This will lead to energy conservation and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, and will contribute to the mitigation of climate change.
- We conduct reliable management of chemical substances, work to reduce their use and find alternatives, and continue to reduce emissions of air and water pollutants, working to reduce and prevent the risk of environmental pollution.
Environmental Management System
We have established the Environmental Management Promotion Committee to implement these Action Plan Guidelines in accordance with the Basic Philosophy shown in our Environmental Policy.

ISO14001 Certification Status
Our Fukuchiyama Plant obtained ISO14001 certification in FY2006, and all of our Okayama district sites obtained the certification in FY2024.
List of ISO14001 certified sites
Site name | ISO14001 |
Headquarters | 〇 |
Okayama Plant Ⅰ | 〇 |
Okayama Plant Ⅱ | 〇 |
Okayama Functional Saccharide Plant | 〇 |
Fujita Plant | 〇 |
Fujita Pharmaceutical Plant | 〇 |
Okayama Sales Office | 〇 |
Okayama Laboratory, L'Plaza | 〇 |
Fujisaki Institute | 〇 |
Fukuchiyama Plant | 〇 |
Initiatives to Reduce Our Environmental Impact
Environmental Target Activities
We have set targets to reduce our environmental impact, and all employees are committed to achieving them.
*Our Environmental Targets
Energy Saving Activities
Optimizing the Manufacturing Process
At plants and other facilities, we have been promoting energy conservation and the reduction of CO2 emissions by switching to LED lighting, optimizing the operation of chilled water and cooling water equipment, converting cooling water system pumps to inverter types, improving boiler efficiency, introducing energy-saving equipment, reducing energy loss, and reviewing manufacturing conditions.
Installation of renewable energy equipment
Solar panels have been installed in the office and welfare building, generating approximately 45 MWh per year, which is consumed in the facility. We will continue to promote the introduction of renewable energy by installing solar panels and utilizing biogas.

Energy Efficiency Act Business Classification System
In the business classification evaluation system conducted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry based on periodic reports under the Act on Rationalizing Energy Use, we have been rated as an S class (business with excellent energy efficiency) for five consecutive years.
Education/Awareness-Raising Activities
- We conduct annual training for all employees to ensure that they are fully acquainted with our environmental philosophy and policies, and to enhance their environmental consciousness.
- Days when disasters have occurred in the past are highlighted as priority alert days in an effort to prevent recurrences and raise employee awareness.
- We regularly issue Environmental News for internal use to provide information on the environment.