To address the key sustainability issues (Materiality for Nagase Viita) which were identified in FY2019, Nagase Viita has formulated its Sustainability Action Plan, under which it is moving forward with related initiatives in company-wide unity. The plan makes a clear statement of the “value delivery to stakeholders” that is our goal for 2030 and sets interim targets for FY2025 on the way to reaching that goal.
Enjoy the change and take action
Value delivery in 2030
Development of leaders to drive business growth and promotion of diversity
Related Materiality
Improvement in employee engagement
Targets for FY2025
Develop next-generation leaders based on a succession plan
Promote gender equality
Advance diversity
Performance for FY2023
Career development plan implementation and education/training
▶ Implemented coaching training and career interviews for executives and managers in conjunction with this program
Career training for women
▶ Carried out questionnaire to understand the present situation and to identify issues, and examined measure proposals
▶ 18 at the point of time of April 1, 2024 (17 in the previous year)
Recruitment of overseas personnel in accordance with business strategies and organizational policies, and development of a recruitment system
▶ Implemented intercultural exchanges with international students and collected information for their employment
Targets for FY2024 KPIs or key initiatives
Continued implementation of the succession plan and operation of the career development plan sheet
Initiatives to promote the success of women, and career training for women
Promote the recruitment and make improvements of work environment for people with disabilities or overseas background
Value delivery in 2030
Every employee realizes their potential inspired with a motivation to contribute
Related Materiality
Improvement in employee engagement
Targets for FY2025
Create an all-hands-on-deck corporate culture
Make it normal practice among many employees to reflect on their own role and express their own thoughts
Performance for FY2023
Conduct dialogue between directors and employees at Fukuchiyama Plant and strengthen messages from directors
▶ Engaged in dialogue with Fukuchiyama Plant employees (9 times in total)
▶ Kick-off meeting for launching Nagase Viita with face-to-face meeting of executives and managers, and regular distribution of messages from directors
・Education of executives and managers on organizational management
▶ Conducted open/selective training for current managers, section managers, and candidates for future section manager positions
・Continue engagement promotion activities through internal projects
▶ Conducted company-wide engagement study sessions (59 total, 146 participants)
・Launch of an engagement project within departments
▶ Carried out intra-departmental dialogues with plant managers, identified issues, and implemented improvement actions
Targets for FY2024 KPIs or key initiatives
Promote the new company name, Purpose, and Values
・Advance actions to improve engagement via all-participant PJs
・Instill the habit of reflecting on oneself (self-understanding, career)
Value delivery in 2030
Pursuit of integrity through strengthening of corporate governance: shift from “do no wrong” to “do good things”
Related Materiality
Improvement in employee engagement
Targets for FY2025
Evolve from compliance to integrity
Improve functions and transparency of corporate-wide meetings
Performance for FY2023
Raising awareness of and spreading the concept of integrity
▶ Conducted roundtable discussion targeting executives and managers
・Number of serious violations of laws and regulations as defined by the Company: 0 (target: 0)
・Rate of employees taking ethics/compliance training: 86.4% (target : 90%)
・Awareness rate of top management message on compliance: 89.4% (target : 90%)
・Response rate of compliance questionnaire: 88.2%(target : 85%)
・Rate of employees taking compliance training at the time of hiring: 100%(target : 100%)
Review and improvement of corporate meeting operations and functions
▶ Developed manuals for secretariat operations
▶ Implemented a review of the operation of the Internal Control System under the Companies Act and addressed the Corporate Auditor’s audit findings at the meeting of the Board of Directors
Targets for FY2024 KPIs or key initiatives
Raising awareness of and spreading the concept of integrity
・Set targets for ethics/compliance indicators
*Number of serious violations of laws and regulations: 0
*Awareness rate of top management message on compliance: 90% or more
*Employees taking compliance training at the time of hiring: 100%
Review and improvement of corporate meeting operations and functions
Value delivery in 2030
Promotion of health and productivity management
Related Materiality
Improvement in employee engagement
Targets for FY2025
Promote health maintenance and improvement and work-life balance
Reduce traffic accidents
Reduce work accidents
Performance for FY2023
・Establishment of Health and Productivity Management Promotion Committee
▶ Establishment of Health and Productivity Management Promotion Committee
▶ Drawing up the Health and Productivity Management Strategy Map (Journey to Well-Being)
・Continued efforts to raise health awareness
▶ Reduction in the ratio of high-stress individuals: less than the previous year's level:10.2%(target: less than the previous year's 12.2%)
▶ Higher deviation from the survey for certification in Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program:53.3(target: 52.7)
▶ Statutory health checkup follow-up retest rate: 87%(target: 80% or more)
50% reduction in the number of at-fault accidents by FY2023 (base year: 20 in FY2017)
▶ Number of at-fault accidents: 17(19 in FY2022)
Reduction of work-related accident
▶ Frequency rate: 1.27 (target: 1.0 or less)
▶ Industrial accident frequency: 1.26 (target: 1.0 or less)
Targets for FY2024 KPIs or key initiatives
・Disseminate the Health and Productivity Management Strategy Map (Journey to Well-Being)
・Confirm transition of health and productivity management strategy map indicators
・Higher deviation from the survey for certification in Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program