Sustainability at Nagase Viita

Our Sustainability Policy

In September 2015, the UN Sustainable Development Summit adopted the outcome document, "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development." The 2030 Agenda lists "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)", which consist of 17 goals and 169 targets, to be achieved by all stakeholders around the world, including in the business sector. This list includes resolving social issues such as poverty, hunger, inequality, and climate change. We continue to develop, manufacture and provide unique materials that enrich everyday life for all. Focused on the common goals for humanity in 2030, we will contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and improve corporate value by enhancing the development of new materials and solutions to our customers that contribute to resolving social issues and reducing environmental impacts of manufacturing.

Nagase Viita in 2030

"Nagase Viita in 2030" embodies our aspiration to help create a sustainable society through our corporate endeavors, while also striving to maintain our position as a company valued and sought after by society.

Communication with stakeholders

Nagase Viita's activities are built on our strong relationships with many kinds of stakeholders. We actively integrate the opinions and expertise of our customers, business partners, employees, and people in our local community into our corporate activities. We work to gather and include this feedback in the plans to achieve our goals of sustainable societal development and enhanced corporate value.


We continue to develop quality products by integrating our customers’ expectations and questions.

Primary means of communication

  • Daily sales interactions, business transactions
  • Various events, lectures, workshops
  • Website, mail magazine, etc.
  • Visits to our plants, questionnaires


We build a trusting relationship through our interactions in purchasing, and we comply with all relevant laws and regulations while emphasizing transparency.

Primary means of communication

  • Routine purchasing interactions, business transactions
  • Website, mail magazine, etc.
  • Visits to the factories of business partners, questionnaires


We keep close collaborative relations with our local community and contribute to its sustainable development.

Primary means of communication

  • Support, donation, participation in community events
  • Social media
  • Laboratory/plant tours
  • Interactive events


We promote a work environment where each employee is motivated and able to utilize their unique skills and abilities.

Primary means of communication

  • Intranet, company newsletter
  • Interaction events
  • Labor-management consultation
  • Internal reporting system

Sustainability Communication Book

Nagase Viita annually publishes a booklet to introduce its basic approaches to sustainability and its initiatives in the four types of materiality. At Nagase Viita, we hope further to deepen communication with our stakeholders through the booklets.
*The 2022 and 2023 books were published prior to the company name change. (Hayashibara Co., Ltd.)