Environmental Performance Data

Reducing Environmental Impact

Nagase Viita regularly monitors the environmental impacts associated with our business activities to reduce the use, emission, and disposal of valuable resources.

Performance Comparison between FY2023 and FY2018


Changes in CO2 Emissions

Graph of the changes in CO2 emissions
FY2013 Base YearFY2018FY2021FY2022FY2023
CO2(t-CO2): Scope143,77028,37728,17426,52923,661
CO2(t-CO2): Scope227,59531,37118,64818,75319,567
CO2(t-CO2): Scope1,271,36559,74746,82345,28143,228
CO2(t-CO2): Scope366,38777,63769,42261,74070,343
CO2(t-CO2): Scope3 (upstream emissions)66,29177,43269,28661,60670,158
CO2(t-CO2): Scope1,2,3137,751 137,384 116,245 107,022 113,572
Unit Scope 1,2(t-CO2/t)0.710.610.450.440.47
  • Scope1: Direct greenhouse gas emissions by the reporting company itself. (eg. fuel combustion,industrial process)
  • Scope2: Indirect emissions from the use of electricity, heat, or steam supplied by others.
  • Scope3: Indirect emissions other than Scope 1 and Scope 2 (Emissions by others related to the company's activities).
  • Scope3 (upstream emissions): Category 1~8 (Emissions mainly from purchased goods and services)

Changes in Industrial Waste Emissions

Industrial waste, total (t)9,032 6,949 6,738 6,882
External effective use rate (%)98989895
Waste unit (t/t)0.0920.0700.0690.075