Bringing Sustainable Solutions to Biopharmaceuticals
Nagase Viita, the first company in the world to mass produce Trehalose, offers solutions for biopharmaceutical development through our signature brand of SOLBIOTE™. It features high-purity, low-endotoxin Trehalose (TREHALOSE SG) and Maltose (MALTOSE PH) saccharide-based pharmaceutical excipients. We confidently offer a stable supply of SOLBIOTE™ as an integrated manufacturer of the Trehalose and Maltose, guaranteeing exceptional quality.
Stability solutions
SOLBIOTE™ is an excellent protein stabilizer
Protects cells, nucleotides, and exosomes against damage from drying, freezing, and thawing
Preserves the quality of antibody therapeutics and vaccines during storage and distribution
Exceptional quality
High-purity and low-endotoxin
Complies with the global regulatory requirements of the pharmaceutical industry
Achieve superior quality with our extensive knowledge and expertise in saccharide production
Highly purified Maltose monohydrate crystalline with a low endotoxin specification
Good water solubility
Compatible with oils
Active ingredient for infusion fluid
Solubility enhancer and stabilizer of freeze-dried anti-cancer agents for injection
Stabilizer of Immunoglobulins
Carbon source of culture medium
Injection Grade
Product Name
trehalose SG
maltose PH
<0.3 EU/g
<0.6 EU/g
Regulatory Approval
Ph. Eur.
Type IV
Type II
China DMF
F20200000041( I )
Sustainable manufacturing and stable supply
Utilize starch and enzymes derived from soil microorganisms
Trehalose dihydrate crystalline and Maltose monohydrate crystalline are highly purified with a low endotoxin specification
No solvents listed in ICH Q3C Class 1, 2 or 3 are used through manufacturing processes
Our integrated manufacturing process ensures exceptional quality control and a stable supply by overseeing the procurement of raw materials, to saccharide production and purification in our factory in Japan.
Procurement of raw materials and resources
Our commitment to responsible procurement ensures raw materials (e.g. starch) are obtained without deforestation or human rights violations.
Environmentally friendly saccharide production
Utilizing starch and enzymes, Trehalose and Maltose are produced efficiently through strategic inventory management and manufacturing planning; minimize waste and CO2 emissions, and preserve water resources.
Purification and recrystallization
Process of purification and recrystallization to produce highly purified Trehalose and Maltose with a low endotoxin specification.
For our dedication to sustainable manufacturing, human rights, and procurement, we have been awarded a Platinum rating by EcoVadis, a sustainability survey organization in France covering over 180 countries. Platinum is the highest rank, given to the top 1% of over 130,000 companies assessed. We sincerely continue to commit sustainability and social responsibilities towards a better future of the people and the Earth.