Hayashibara Co., Ltd., a member of Nagase Group, (Headquarters: Shimoishii, Kita-ku, Okayama City, President: Naoki Yasuba) has announced that it will issue a commitment at the Tokyo Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit 2021, an event hosted by the Japanese government as part of the initiative toward realizing a sustainable society. At the summit, Hayashibara will declare its goal of bringing well-being to all with unique biotechnology. To reach the goal by the year 2030, it will pursue initiatives in partnership with stakeholders to promote healthy diets that are safe and sustainable, and support the health of people and the planet.

Our Commitment to the Tokyo N4G Summit 2021 |
Unique biotech brings wellbeing to all. By 2030, Hayashibara Co., Ltd. will contribute to promote safe, sustainable and healthy diets that support people and planetary health by utilizing the unique functions of our food ingredients with stakeholders. ・pave the way for healthier and more sustainable food systems for all. ・reduce environmental impacts and support people engaged in agriculture. ・improve the productivity and quality of food manufacturers to reduce food loss and waste from the food industry. |
It is not possible for people to live without good nutrition. Malnutrition caused by famine and poverty is a deep-seated problem, but there is an additional range of global-scale issues that affect people whether in developed or emerging countries, from excessive nutrition and unbalanced diets to climate change and food waste. Nutritional improvement falls under the Goal 2, Zero Hunger, of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and is intimately connected with the fulfilment of 12 of the other goals. This is thus a problem relevant not just to public health, but also to many other areas including agriculture, commercial distribution, water supply and sanitation, and gender issues. It has been stated that fulfilling the SDGs, therefore, requires coordinated efforts in all areas to improve nutrition.
The Tokyo Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit, which takes place on December 7 and 8, 2021, will be hosted by the Japanese government under the declared aim of realizing a world in which all people have access to a safe and highly nutritious diet at affordable prices by the year 2030. The leaders of governments from around the world, international institutions, business enterprises, non-governmental organizations, and other groups will address the themes of health, food, and resilience through wide-ranging discussions on improving nutrition for people worldwide. A commitment to initiatives going forward will be announced at this international summit, which also provides a great opportunity to enhance mutual understanding and collaboration between stakeholders.
Hayashibara supports the summit’s goal: “all people to have access to a safe and highly nutritious diet at affordable prices by the year 2030,” and has officially announced its commitment. Hayashibara aims to resolve social issues using the strengths in enzyme-based technology that it has built up over many years combined with the naturally derived ingredients developed using its biotechnology techniques. Hayashibara has identified initiatives in the following areas as material issues (*1, 2 and 4 of Hayashibara’s materiality) as shown on its website: contributing to the extension of healthy life expectancy by encouraging the intake of proteins and other valuable nutrients; securing a stable food supply by reducing food loss and waste and improving agricultural and livestock productivity; and reducing environmental impact by cutting the use of agricultural chemicals and fertilizers. In this way, Hayashibara will work in partnership with stakeholders to promote healthy diets that are safe and sustainable and support the health of people and the planet.
Nutrition Summit
The N4G Summit is a conference to promote international initiatives toward the improvement of nutrition. Since its inception in 2013 under an initiative of the U.K. and other governments, it has customarily been hosted by the sponsor country of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. This is the third time the summit has taken place following earlier meetings in the United Kingdom (London) and Brazil (Rio de Janeiro).
The Tokyo N4G Summit 2021, following the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, will be hosted by the Japanese government in Tokyo in December 2021. The N4G will address a wide range of nutrition-related subjects, and will see nutrition-related stakeholders from around the world holding discussions and presenting efforts on how to end global malnutrition. The Japanese government has identified five areas that are critical to achieving global targets and ending malnutrition. Summit participants are encouraged to make a commitment covering one or more of the areas.
Health: Making nutrition integral to Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
Food: Building food systems that promote health and nutrition
Resilience: Addressing malnutrition effectively in fragile and conflict-affected contexts
Data: Promoting data-driven accountability
Financing: Ensuring financing to improve nutrition
■Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs website
■Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries website
Declaration of support for and commitment to the United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021
Hayashibara Co., Ltd. has announced its support for the United Nations Food Systems Summit (FSS), which is being held to promote the transition to sustainable food systems and concrete action toward the fulfilment of all the sustainable development goals.
Focusing specifically on the realization of food security in terms of both quality (nutrition) and quantity (supply), Hayashibara will strengthen partnerships with stakeholders to drive initiatives in the following areas:
Extending healthy life expectancy and contributing to a stable food supply
Developing manufacturing technology and ingredients to contribute to reducing global environmental impact
Ensuring visibility and transparency throughout the supply chain
■Food Systems Summit 2021 Commitments from Japanese stakeholders (Our commitment can be found on page 19)
■Hayashibara commitment (Hayashibara YouTube video)