Nagase ChemteX's sustainability activities
Basic philosophy
Nagase ChemteX's philosophy system
Long-term management policy
(Mid-term management
principles -
Raison d'être
To enhance customer satisfaction and contribute to the creation of a better society, by providing high-performance chemical products and technology.
- Vision
What we want to achieve
To be a creator of value that continuously supplies high-performance products.
- Safe and secure manufacturing
- Collaborative customer success creation
- Unique niches that create innovation
- Mobility to survive in uncertain times
Long-term management policy
(Mid-term management plan) -
A concrete vision of what we want to achieve
The long-term management policy defines the ideal state of the Company in fiscal 2032, embodying the vision.
The medium-term management plan backcasts the ideal state of the Company and defines the ideal state for fiscal
Basic sustainability policy
We will conduct our activities based on the NAGASE Group's basic sustainability policy. Addressing sustainability issues is in line with the spirit of sincerity and righteousness outlined in the management philosophy of the NAGASE Group and the society we want to realize as outlined in our vision. We recognize that we can achieve sustainable growth by continuing corporate activities that resolve social and environmental issues, and we will actively work to achieve this goal.
Sustainability promotion structure
Under the leadership of the President and CEO, we will formulate policies for promoting sustainability, establish and maintain a promotion system, monitor measures, and conduct internal educational activities.
Nagase ChemteX's future vision and value proposition
- What we want to be in 2032
- An inspiring company that values connections and contributes to the future of society
- What we want to be in 2025
- A value-creating company that contributes to society and the environment by harmonizing through all kinds of connections
Value provided
Employees first
- Empathetic vision
- Safe and easy to work with
- Job satisfaction
Collaboration with business partners
- Customer success solutions
- Creation of technological innovation
- Flexible production system
Contributing to society and the environment
- Contributing to the environment
- Contributing to society
- Development to the community
Efficient use of management resources
- Compliance management
- Maximizing economic value
- Maximizing social value
Value provided to stakeholders
Our business activities are built on the connections we have
with our various stakeholders, and we will continue to value
those connections.
To achieve our vision for 2032, we
have defined the values that we will provide to our
stakeholders and have reflected them in our focused
Value provided to employees
Empathetic vision
We will communicate with all employees to ensure that our vision permeates and resonates with them. We aim to be a company where employees can feel self-fulfillment by contributing to social issues and taking pride in their work.
Safe and easy to work with
We will build an efficient and advanced working environment as a chemical manufacturer by utilizing robots, AI, digital technology, etc., and through safe operations and health management.
Job satisfaction
We will provide job satisfaction by matching management strategy with career design.
We will also promote diversity and create an environment where diverse human resources can play an active role in key areas.
Value provided to business partners
Customer success solutions
We aim to realize customer success solutions by building connections with various industrial sectors and linking the value chain, including the NAGASE Group and external parties.
We will also make full use of digital transformation (DX) and AI technologies to provide solutions with a superior level of speed and sensitivity. -
Creation of technological innovation
We aim to create innovative technologies and develop new businesses for the benefit of society.
Flexible production system
We will establish a production system that can permanently supply products to meet the market's needs and provide high-quality products.
Value provided to society and consumers
Contributing to the environment
We will continue to implement environmentally friendly business activities, such as energy-efficient production activities and reduction of wastewater load, to reduce environmental impact.
Contributing to society
We aim to contribute to society by developing and producing products that actively contribute to the SDGs and generating business profits.
Contributing to the community
We aim to be a company that communicates intimately with the local community, actively engages in activities that lead to the development of the local community and makes the community proud.
Corporate ethics and corporate values
Compliance management
We will cherish the spirit of maintaining the highest standards of integrity outlined in the NAGASE Group's management philosophy, share our sense of ethics with all employees, and constantly work to identify and resolve issues that require improvements.
Maximizing economic value
We will optimize our portfolio through efficient investment, redistribution of invested capital, and withdrawal from unprofitable businesses to ensure efficient management with a strong awareness of capital efficiency.
Maximizing social value
As a key manufacturer of the NAGASE Group, we will develop and produce products that generate stable profits and actively contribute to the SDGs.