Nagase ChemteX’s sustainability activities

In recent years, rapid population growth and economic development have accompanied global climate change and environmental destruction. These phenomena threaten the safety and security of people’s lives and make it difficult to preserve the diversity of living things that coexist. There is a huge movement to build a sustainable society.
Until now, humankind has benefited from the development of science and technology in both tangible and intangible ways. In the future, we will be required to tackle and solve the emerging environmental, social, and economic issues while further developing science and technology.
In other words, to solve various problems and build a sustainable society, there is an even greater need for innovation in the field of chemistry.
Under the management mission to enhance customer satisfaction and contribute to the creation of a better society by providing high-performance chemical products and technology, Nagase ChemteX has adopted the slogan "Creating a Brighter Future Through Chemistry."
In the NAGASE Group’s medium-term management plan, ACE 2.0, starting from fiscal 2021, we aim to become an inspiring company that values connections and contributes to the future of society, which has been set as the future vision of Nagase ChemteX. We will continue to provide value to our stakeholders, including employees, customers, society, and local communities, with whom we have ties.
In particular, we will proactively take on the challenge of solving social issues, such as environmental, energy, and food problems, as represented by the SDGs, based on our chemical technology, and contribute with a focus on results.
In addition to developing environmentally friendly products, we will also work to reduce CO2 and waste by verifying and optimizing the supply chain from raw materials to manufacturing processes and waste liquid and waste treatment and promote activities that will lead to zero emissions in the future.
Through these efforts, we aim to become a company where every employee is aware of environmental issues and can feel that they contribute to solving them and can be confident and proud of their work.
We will continue to be strongly aware of the concept of sustainability to build a sustainable society that should serve as the foundation for a prosperous future. Then we would like to contribute to this goal and achieve further growth by confronting various issues, considering what can be done using chemical technology, and working to find solutions.