Nagase Group Product Safety Principles

September 1, 2017

In accordance with the NAGASE Group Compliance Code of Conduct, the NAGASE Group positions product safety as one of the important issues of social responsibility in order to supply safe products to customers and build a safe and secure society, and strives to ensure the safety of products manufactured, imported and sold by us as a manufacturer.

1.Compliance with Laws, Regulations, and Internal Rules

The NAGASE Group naturally complies with the various laws and regulations pertaining to product safety, including the Consumer Product Safety Act. Beyond that, we consider product safety a key social responsibility, and, as a responsible manufacturer, strive sincerely to ensure the safety of products we produce and sell, including imported goods.

2.Formulating and Practicing Internal Rules

The NAGASE Group has formulated and manages a series of internal rules related to product safety, working proactively to ensure the safety of our products through ongoing improvement of these rules.

3.Product Safety Promotion Systems

The NAGASE Group has established systems necessary for rigorous compliance with not only product safety-related laws and regulations but also internal rules. The Group also strives to act in consideration of safety at all stages of the product chain, including research, development, planning, design, production, import, sale, and aftersale services. Further, we conduct regular internal audits and, when necessary, education and training, as well as revision of internal rules and systems.

4.Preventing Accidents from Misuse

In order to ensure safe use of its products, the NAGASE Group provides information appropriately to users, including product handling warnings and safety information helping to prevent incidents arising from misuse or negligence.

5.Product Incidents

When one of its products is involved in a product incident, the NAGASE Group takes all necessary actions to prevent harm. This may include recall of the product or other actions to prevent further harm. In these cases, the Group also proactively collects information about the product incident and shares it with product users and related parties promptly. Further, the Group also promptly provides oversight authorities with reports in accordance with laws and regulations.

6.Preventing Product Incident Recurrence

In the event of a product incident, the Group strives to determine the root cause of the incident, appropriately compiling and using the resulting records to prevent recurrence.